Rocco Morelli
from Mafia to Ministry


Rocco Morelli
Rocco Morelli is a dynamic Evangelist, Speaker, and Author who has the privilege of traveling with his wife Christine, speaking in churches, conferences, schools, youth detention centers, and prisons around the globe.
Rocco is an ordained Minister with Full Gospel Assemblies International and is the founder and president of Rocco Morelli Ministries International (RMMI). He has worked for and now collaborates with Prison Fellowship Ministries and Operation Starting Line as a national speaker and spokesperson bringing the Gospel message to prisons across America.
He has a wide variety of speaking experiences, including TV, radio, and multi-media interviews. People listen to his dynamic message because Rocco Morelli is a walking testimony of a life that was transformed through the power of Jesus Christ.

RMMI has one goal: to share God's message of salvation through Jesus Christ with the world. We want everyone to have an opportunity to know the real Jesus and to build stronger relationships, marriages, and families, centered on Christ to impact our communities and world.
Our outreach and meetings are reaching out with the Gospel in a way that is captivating the lost and turning hardened hearts back to their first love. Rocco shares his power-packed life changing messages to show that the power of Jesus Christ can redeem and restore lives. People are responding and realizing the freedom, simplicity, and joy that comes from being at peace with God and in love with His Son, Jesus.
At RMMI we are committed to keeping our focus pure and simple, just like Christianity is suppose to be. We are passionate about telling everyone about Jesus Christ, and we invite you to join with us and make it your passion too.